Customer experience(CX)
A customer need not necessarily be a "consumer". A customer can play different roles such as employee, patients, citizen, buyer, seller and many more.
There is the concept of UI/UX, where UI is "user interface", and UX is "user experience".UI is more of the graphical interface and design, whereas UX is a bigger and wider concept. UX requires out of the box thinking, for example, the use of a mouse to click the computer screen, touchscreen for smartphone.
A great example of innovating the UI to deliver a great UX is SAP FIORI. The mobile application platform designed by SAP, to provide a seamless, simplified and responsive experience.
Below are some use cases:-
1) Construction/Project:- For an under-construction project, instead of providing the customers with a 2D blueprint or animation, a tour of the project through a virtual reality (VR) would be a visual delight.
2) Ceremonies:- To visualise oneself in bridalwear with all the celebrations of the marriage, would be a great experience, which wedding planners could possibly use. Event management can be more effective with the use of VR to plan the event beforehand and deliver a great CX.
3) Repairs & maintenance:- AR can be used to effectively present the customer with a 360-degree view of their product, the damage and the work to be done, specifically for automobiles.
You can download the Google AR app on your mobile devices. Please visit the link Google Play services for AR
To get a great VR experience you can download the app on your mobile devices Google spotlight stories
4) R-bots:- The identification of repetitive process and automating them is robotic process automation (RPA). There are many instances of RPA, self-driven cars, cooking bots, chatbots. However on of the most useful case of bots is extracting information from different formats of data, collating it in a singular format, so that we can derive some meaningful information from it. The most commonly used tools for automation are UiPath, AutomationAnywhere.
4) Pandemic crises:- The use of machine learning (ML) models to derive the optimum results from the trends, is a useful tool to provide help with precision. ML model can help to derive the effectiveness of the government policies implied during the corona crisis. From the trends, it can also predict the probability of a red zone being converted to green zone. ML models could also be built to understand the effectiveness of medicines on the COVID-19 infected patients.
Useful insights Use of ML to fight COVID 19
5) Procurement:- Building a common platform for buyers and sellers, to get a better grip of the spend management. The expenses and the costs can be optimised using E-commerce solutions connecting the buyers across industries.SAP Ariba provides great insights into the procurement, it is a unified platform for buyers and sellers alike, integrating the complete procure to pay process.SAP Ariba
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